European Accounting and Management Review


The European Accounting and Management Review (EAMR) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific and technical knowledge in the fields of accounting and management.  EAMR articles build on theoretical frameworks and contribute to accounting and management practice using a variety of empirical methods (quantitative, qualitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic…).

EAMR is published by the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció, ACCID,, an organization founded in 2002 with the purpose of becoming a nexus for professionals and academics working in the field of accounting and management.

NEW VOLUME – Volume 10 Issue 1 May 2024

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DOI: 10.26595/eamr.2014.10.1

Analysis of the sustainability of swimming pools: Water and energy cycles
Núria Arimany-Serrat and Juan José Gómez Guillén

WPPM Index Reporting – How can the key figure of women’s quota be appropriately integrated into a reporting system?

Bettina Binder

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